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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

GLOBALink | Dynamic GBA — Walks & Talks: “Blue Granary” continues to upgrade

The dynamic Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) has continuously enhanced the construction of “blue granary,” providing a model for realizing high-quality development of the marine economy.
In the Nansha Fishery Industrial Park in Guangzhou, monitoring of water quality index data, collection of fish production data and optimization of the breeding process are part of intelligent aquaculture.
The Guangzhou Nansha SCAU Fishery Research Institute has established a marine ranching technology R&D center to conduct in-depth research.
In Donghai Island, Zhanjiang, deep-sea farming is redefining the future of aquaculture. 
Intelligent and green aquaculture is boosting the sustainable development of fishery production.
